In the case that you are not yet ready to reach me, please see the following for local and national resources.
If you have questions about my services, have a look at our FAQ page.
New Brunswick Resources
Atlantic Wellness: free counselling for New Brunswick young adults ages 12 to 21
Bridge the Gapp: Mental wellness support for adults and youth
Canada.ca: Autism supports across Canada, including NB
Canadian Mental Health Association: programs to enhance mental wellness
Child Support and Neglect (Social Development NB): 1-833-733-7835
Mobile Crisis Units: Horizon health service to assess and provide crisis intervention
Neil Squire Society: For assistance with a disability and employment, and other supports
Non-Insured Health Benefits: Health benefits (including counselling) for Indigenous and First Nations people of Canada. This link will provide information on all benefits.
Partners for Youth: Connects youth between the ages of 14-24 with a counsellor and assists with financial supports for counselling
Sexual Health (EN/FR): Local resources for sexual health through the Horizon Health Network.
Social Supports NB (EN/FR): Resources for social supports, such as disability, housing, finances, etc. in New Brunswick
​Social Supports NB (EN/FR): Senior supports
Working New Brunswick (Post-secondary Education Training and Labour NB): For career development assistance
National Resources
Anxiety Canada: Resources for anxiety in Canada
Canada.ca: Autism supports across Canada, including NB
Canada Suicide Prevention Service at 1-833-456-4566 (24/7) or text 45645 (4 pm to 12 am ET)
Canada Wide Military Member Assistance Program 1-800-268-7708 and family information line 1-800-866-4546
Coping Cat Parents: Resource for children living with anxiety
Hope for Wellness Indigenous Helpline and online chat 1-855-242-3310
National Eating Disorder Information Centre: 1-866-633-4220 or online chat
National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls Support Line: 1-844-413-6649
Neil Squire Society: For assistance with a disability and employment, and other supports
Non-Insured Health Benefits: Health benefits (including counselling) for Indigenous and First Nations people of Canada. This link will provide information on all benefits.
Wellness Together Canada: Immediate phone counselling 1-866-585-0445
World Professional Association for Transgender Health: Resources for transgender health